HCL Software
Exactly one year ago, on 09.06.2020, our company became an authorized partner of HCL Software company and a reseller for software sale and technical support.
Ronix Systems has extensive experience in sales, development, implementation and support of HCL Notes/Domino in Russia and abroad. Internally, we have been using Notes/Domino as a document management system successfully for decades. The "Ronix.Office" CRM system on the Notes/Domino platform has been used and developed for over 20 years.
Ronix has emploed Notes/Domino specialists (both programmers and administrators) with dozens of years of experience in collaborative work.
Our HCL partner is developing, promoting, selling and supporting more than 20 product lines in the areas of DevSecOps, automation, digital solutions, data management, marketing and commerce, as well as mainframes.
HCL is constantly releasing new versions, adding features to products that allow customers to not only save their investments, but also to get the greatest benefit of upgrading information systems.
If you are interested in this information, our specialists are ready to answer all your questions.