Expanding the partner network on the KardiRu project

We are developing a partner program and invite for cooperation insurance companies, cardiology centers, fitness centers, sanatoria and clinics.

With telemedical KardiRu devices, patients will be able monitoring their heart state remotely. And doctors will have an opportunity to monitor the state of their patients' hearts by means of ECG examinations. They will be able to earn additional income for remote medical consultations.

The proposed cooperation will allow your company to significantly expand the range of services.

You will have the opportunities of:

  • Working with patients from other cities;
  • Consistently monitoring the health status of those patients who need remote support;
  • Daily controlling the effectiveness of the medication prescribed;
  • Monitoring the progress of the patient's heart condition during any interval when the patient participates in the Project.

 Read more https://ronix.ru/kardi-ru/o-kardiru/